APRIL 1-30
Welcome to the 30-day Blame-Free Challenge! We are looking forward to guiding this movement of bringing more compassion, peace and self-responsibility in our different parts of the world.
Register here for a FREE online program or a Flexibly Priced in-person workshop and study group.
Did you notice that when you Blame...
You get Strong reactions;
It creates disconnection;
You feel powerless, Stuck as a victim;
You don't change your reality;
You end up without a solution;
People blame back, A wall is created;
It becomes a Blame Game
Change the Pattern!
Through the Challenge, receive tools, tips, inspiration and regular examples of how to shift out of the habitual Blame Game and into ways of responding that are much more connecting, self empowering and….. Effective!
There are TWO ways to be a part of this movement:
Option #1: online program starting April 1st (FREE in English, Spanish and Portuguese)
Biweekly email with concrete tools, self-inquiry questions, resources and real life examples from our Blame-Free Movement Leaders
A Community of Support through 30 Day Blame Free Challenge Facebook group.
Option #2: online + in person (flexible rate between $75 and $200)
Online Program starting April 1st (as listed above)
Half-day In person workshop: April 6th in Nanaimo from 1 to 5pm, or March 31st on Gabriola Island.
Weekly Study Group: Two hour in person study group on Gabriola or in Nanaimo to dig into our personal experience with Blame and work through practices together. In Nanaimo it will take place on April 10, 17, 24 and May 1st from 7 to 9pm.
The foundation of this 30-Day challenge is the work of Marshall Rosenberg: Nonviolent Communication, Self Inquiry and the practice of being present to what is alive within us. You will be lead by experienced NVC practitioners and trainers. The founders of this Movement include:
Angela Walkley
MA in Leadership, CNVC Trainer, is the co-founder of Farthest Shore Workshops and the Salish Sea Empathy Society, and the founder of the social change facilitation firm, Cambio Consulting.
Myriam Verzat
CNVC Trainer Candidate, is an experienced Compassionate Communication (NVC) trainer at Reconnect. Myriam creates a safe and welcoming space for deep emotional work to take place.
Jade Arantes
Brazilian entrepreneur and facilitator, Multiplier of the Center for Quantum Activism, is dedicated to personal and social transformation through the sharing of Compassionate Communication (NVC).
Claudia Sánchez
Colombian trainer candidate with CNVC, a Kundalinin Yoga instructor, as well as a Professional of Modern Languages and a Masters Candidate in Workplace Communication.