A 3-part workshop series of the Work that Reconnects
IMPORTANT : In the context of the COVI-19 pandemic, the first workshop of this series have been cancelled. Updates about future workshop will be posted here.
Join others in your community who wish to build courage, connections and capacity in response to the uncertainty of these times.
It can be hard to stay open and responsive to the complex challenges each of us face every day – personally and globally. Climate chaos, social and political divisions, systemic racism and other daily catastrophes emphasize the uncertainty of what’s ahead. Fear, grief, even a sense of overwhelm, can grow out of our own personal pain as well as out of the pain for the world. How can we remain open-hearted, connected to what’s important to us and cultivate wise action in these challenging times? How we can sustain a sense of empowerment and resilience in our community?
Rooted in the Work that Reconnects, as first introduced by Joanna Macy, this series of three Sunday afternoon sessions offered over 3 months, provides a space for you to be welcomed and join with others through experiential processes (indoors and outside) ways to remember, reconnect and reaffirm our wild love for the world, to honour and transform our pain for our world and to (re-) awaken our response as we go forth.
This series aims to provides space to express openly our feelings about the state of our world. Together we will create a space where we can:
** Come as we are, with the feelings and complexities that are part of our life
** Name and express, in a loving way, the grief, helplessness, fear of the future we may be feeling and learn how those around us may also be processing this
** Discover, through experiential learning, the Work that Reconnects
** Connect our individual gifts with the broader community
** Open our hearts again and come back to the soul of our being – individual and collective
** Create a sense of empowerment and resilience in our community
The greatest threat to our personal and global well-being is to not pay attention to what is happening. Coming together with others who are and want to continue paying attention can help keep us energized and connected to this wild and precious earth.
Please join us from 1pm to 4pm on
- Sunday, March 15 - Evoking Our Love for the World -
Location to be confirmed
- Sunday, April 19 - Honouring and Transforming our Pain for the World
At Pacific Gardens Cohousing, 347 Seventh Street in Nanaimo
- Sunday, May 24 - Remembering our Gifts, Growing Forward, Staying Connected
At Pacific Gardens Cohousing, 347 Seventh Street in Nanaimo
Note these sessions are designed to work together, we recommend committing to all of them.
Where: south Nanaimo community centres, exact location sent at registration.
Cost: sliding scale $20-$40
Based on the Work That Reconnects – for more information see: https://workthatreconnects.org and https://www.joannamacy.net/main
Kate Burns
Kirsten Putu Hunter
Myriam Verzat